Like i said before this is my first on and I'll just see how it turns out. Some of my interet include comics,food,gaming,art, and dungeons and dragons!. I have a full backstory for him that isn't fully planned out but im working on it. Well the background i chose is decent as of 3/6/2025 but maybe ill choose a better one eventually. But back to what i was talking about, i have tw main oc's that i think about everyday 1.My DND Chareceter and 2. My Superheroperson or whatever. Theyre both pretty cool in my opinion but i definetelywas more original with my DND charecter. Like i said before this is my first on and as of 3/6/2025 but maybe ill choose a better one eventually. But back to what i was talking about, i have tw main oc's that i think about everyday 1.My DND Chareceter and 2. My Superheroperson or whatever. Theyre both pretty coolI'll just see how it turns out. Some of my interest include comics,food,gaming,art, and dungeons and dragons!. I have a full backstory for him that isn't fully planned out but im working on it. Well the background i chose is decent in my opinion but i definetely was more original with my DND charecter.
.What do you think the cats looking at??
Anyways whos redy for a list about the things i like?!?!?!(MEE!!)
I wonder if the people whactually see this actually read it? what if they just glance and leave cause it says like 38 people have seen this which is crazy to me. Anyways... I have a pet dog names oso hes pretty cool if you ask me. hes a chocolate labrodor and hes pretty big. he sorta loks like this
but hes not as energetic as that dog. I wonder what that dog could have possibly seen for him to be that excited. my dogs more chill and he likes eating socks. But its not good for he likes to eat a lot of random stuff for some unkown reason. Do all dogs do that??? Maybe they do or maybe theira secret organiztions of dogs that are actually just like humans! eh but that might not be it. anyways im jut been blabbering on and on and on and on and on about just junk. Maybe because nothing really important is going on in my life. That doesn't mean im happy its just im living my normal nice as ice everyday life.
I have multplie ocs but some of them are more in depth and in charecter. I have a full story in mind i just dont know how to write or draw. But i figured i can just talk about it on here. The real question is which oc? im gonna spin a wheel. After rolling i got my comic charecter MatMan!
"Alright so to first start off he was originally just a normal dude just like mostsuperheros but then while on a field trip to a scienc lab he was invited to go on extra field tripon a saturday morning but he accepts it because its a free once-in-a-lifetime- trip to go to a science lab. but once he goes into the science lab it turns out theirs a super secret metoerite and the boss had left him alone for a bit (this connects to another oc i made) but once he leaves everything seems fine up until it decides to self destruct on the spot and before the main charecter can react it explodes the science lab but he survives for someunknown reason and he passes out while the fire is still on and it was an hour before he woke up again. he seemed to be fine and after talking to cop and doctor he went home. but he realized everything felt lighter and we was pretty trong and faster and being the comic lover he is it clicked and realized "Wait! is this my superhero origin story?' he went to go get a costume and has his (Not at all) iconic costume!. thats his backstory but theirs obviously much more story to cover. yeah but thats all for now that im gonna write. I have uch more story like i said before. I wonder if people are actually interested in this stuff. Are their comments on neocite? can people post comments? if you can ask me some question and ill most likely update my website daily. Or ill just look through the activity section if my thing gets popular enough.
Todays Topic:Invincible
Well personally i really enjoy invincible and nt even just the show ive read the comic and its great. i really enjoy the charecter development and the story in general. me personally im o the 2nd compendium so im already fully cauht up to the show. Me personally i like the animation and dont see why people always complain about it. The way people talk about it they make it sound awful to watch but its lways screenshots of the most random frames. The story is great and me personally i would prefer waiting a year for decent animation than waiting 3 years for great animation. I had seen a video recently explaining h this is better and i can say that i agree. with the way that invincible is going right now it looks like theyre will be about 7 season and if we had to wait 3 years for each season thats 21 years which is crazy to just wait for all of the seasons. These kind of things ar egreat for shows like Arcane that are only gonna have 2 or 3 seasons. Which makes sense because since theirs not gonna be a lot of seasons waiting 3 years for good animation is fine.